Today, I’m taking a step forward to share my unique story – a blend of creativity, entrepreneurship, and the joys and challenges of being a single mom to two wonderful children, one of whom has significant disabilities.

As an artist, I’ve always believed in the power of expression through art. It’s not just a profession for me; it’s a way of life. The journey hasn’t been easy, especially when juggling the demands of being an entrepreneur. Starting and managing a business requires resilience, creativity, and a lot of hard work – traits that I’ve honed over the years.

But perhaps the most significant and rewarding role I play is that of a mother. Raising two kids alone is a task that’s both fulfilling and demanding. The experience of parenting a child with severe disabilities has been a learning curve. It’s taught me patience, empathy, and the strength I never knew I had.

So, how do I manage it all? It’s about finding balance, setting priorities, and embracing support when needed. Here are some insights into how I navigate through my days:

  • Structured Flexibility: I maintain a routine that’s structured yet flexible enough to accommodate the unexpected, which is a frequent occurrence in my life.
  • Self-Care: This is non-negotiable. Whether it’s a facial, massage, gym workout or just a walk, I ensure to have ‘me time’.
  • Delegation and Support: I’ve learned to ask for help and delegate tasks. Whether it’s professional help for my business or support in caring for my kids, acknowledging that I can’t do everything alone was a crucial step.
  • Staying Organized: Organization is key. From managing business finances to keeping track of medical appointments and school activities, I rely heavily on planners and apps.
  • Embracing the Chaos: There are days when nothing goes as planned. I’ve learned to embrace these moments, find humor in them, and remember that it’s okay not to be perfect.
  • Prioritizing My Children’s Needs: My children’s happiness and health are my top priorities. This means making tough decisions sometimes, but it’s always worth it.
  • Continual Learning and Adaptation: Life throws curveballs, and I’ve learned to adapt. This includes adapting my art and business strategies to fit our life circumstances.

I have so much more to share about each of these aspects and how they intertwine with my life. In my upcoming blog posts, I will dive deeper into each of these topics, sharing stories, tips, and maybe even some of my art that has been inspired by my journey.

To everyone reading this, especially those who can relate to my experiences, remember you’re not alone. Life might be challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Stay tuned for more insights and stories from my life as an artist, entrepreneur, and a single mom.

Thank you for being part of my journey!

Love and take care,



I hope you enjoy to see some photo’s of my two beautiful children 🙂 Max(imiliaan) and Avélie.