

  • Initial consultation via email so we can pinpoint topics and challenges to discuss on our call.
  • One hour of one-on-one coaching with Wendy.
  • Ten-minute action plan to help you clarify the session and take action immediately!

Ready to get started?
Each one-on-one strategy session is just EUR 350.


How do the sessions work?
After registering for your session, you’ll be sent a calendar to select the date and time of your session. Your strategy session will take place 1-3 weeks after you’ve paid, depending on availability. Your session will take place via a private stream and will be recorded so you can go back to it at any time.

Does it matter what part of the world I’m in?
No! While Wendy is based in The Netherlands, her schedule is flexible, so we can find a time that works for you!

Can I send you images or files to get feedback on during our session?
Yes! After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email detailing the next steps. You’ll be able to send files or images (like a trade show booth or line sheet) for feedback prior to our session!

I registered, but haven’t yet received any additional information. What should I do?
You should receive an email within 24 hours with the next steps. If you didn’t receive an email (or would like to use a different email address) please forward your invoice to

Additional questions?
Email Wendy at

Ready to get started?
Each one-on-one strategy session is just EUR350. Book your session today!