Twenty years ago, I embarked on my career as a make-up artist, often collaborating on free work projects to build my portfolio. One such collaboration in 2005 brought me together with Nastassia, a semi-professional model, and a novice photographer. We were all in our mid-twenties, full of ambition and dreams, creating beautiful work together. Little did we know that our paths, though diverging, would cross again in the most inspiring ways.

Nastassia and I lost touch after those initial photoshoots. We only knew each other through our shared collaborations with photographers. Life took us in different directions. Some years later Nastassia faced personal challenges and received government assistance due to her lack of income. As part of this support, she was given a budget to pursue further education to enhance her career opportunities. She chose to enroll in both the makeup and hairstyling courses at my then company; Beautypartner, a staffing agency dedicated to the cosmetics world with a private academy for make-up, hairstyling, and fashion.

Seeing her dedication and passion, she soon joined my company, styling countless brides in her region. Over time, Nastassia honed her skills and grew professionally. Today, she runs a successful hair-weaving business, employs two staff members, and operates a beautiful salon in the heart of Groningen.

Nastassia told me today, “Thanks to you, Wendy, I have been able to develop into the independent woman I am proud to be today!” Her words are incredibly moving and a testament to the power of mentorship and support.

Recently, Nastassia bought one of my paintings, “Flow.” It’s heartwarming to see how our lives, though separate, have these beautiful points of intersection. We both started as young, aspiring professionals and now, in our mid-forties, we’ve carved out successful careers and lives we are proud of.

Her choice to bring “Flow” into her home, a space she has beautifully curated, fills me with immense joy. It’s not just about the painting finding a place in her house, but about the journey we’ve both undertaken – the challenges, the growth, and the triumphs. Despite our different paths, we share a common thread of resilience and inspiration.

Nastassia’s journey from a young model facing personal struggles to a successful business owner is profoundly inspiring. It reminds me of the importance of supporting and uplifting one another. As an artist and mentor, I find immense satisfaction in knowing that my work and my story resonate with others. Nastassia and many others see me as a source of inspiration, and for that, I am deeply grateful.

It’s incredible how art and life intertwine, creating stories that inspire and uplift. Nastassia’s success is a reminder of the power of determination and the beauty of growth. Here’s to strong, independent women supporting and inspiring each other, and to the wonderful journey of life that connects us in unexpected ways.

Nastassia and everyone else who at some point crossed my path, Thank you for being a part of this journey!

Love, Wendy