As an artist, my journey has been a canvas of personal experiences, colors, and emotions. One particular encounter recently led me down a path of introspection, redefining what it means to be me. It all began with a friend’s offhand comment, one that sparked a cascade of thoughts about my identity, my art, and the beautiful thread that weaves them together.

Discovering the Playful Label

“Childish.” The word hung in the air after my friend commented on a decision I had made. At first, I laughed it off, but later, the idea lingered. Could I really be considered “childish”? Was there more to this label than met the eye? The more I thought about it, the more I realized that maybe, just maybe, I am indeed a bit “childish” – and perhaps that’s a unique and beautiful thing.

Embracing My Playful Essence

Digging deeper, I found myself embracing the notion that being “childish” was not an insult, but rather a testament to my playful spirit. Embracing my inner child, that part of me that has preserved the boundless curiosity and wonder of youth has always been at the core of who I am. I’ve carried this essence through my years, even as the number grew larger.

The Canvas of My Artistic Expression

Looking at my art, I see how this playfulness has seeped into my creative process. My muses are a testament to my inner child’s joyous presence. The bright colors, whimsical muses with fashionable accessories, and my overall fascination for everything girlie all embody that youthful energy that refuses to fade. What others might dismiss as “childish,” I now recognize as the vivid portrayal of my inner world.

Facing the Critics

Haters on social media often chime in, accusing my art of being “childish.” However, instead of letting their words discourage me, I’ve come to realize that they’ve hit the nail on the head. My art is indeed “childish” in the most wonderful sense of the word. It is playful, uninhibited, and brimming with the purity of untamed creativity. This isn’t a flaw; it’s a feature that distinguishes my work from the ordinary.

The Beauty of Playfulness

“Childish” is synonymous with “playful.” In embracing this aspect of myself, I’ve unlocked a wellspring of happiness, artistic freedom, and authenticity. I’ve retained the spirit of the little girl I once was, and that spirit colors every stroke of my brush, every choice of color, and every twist in my artistic journey.

Embrace Your Inner Child

So, to those who see my art and label it “childish,” I say thank you. Thank you for recognizing the essence that sets my work apart. And to anyone who has been told they’re “childish,” remember that this is not a mark of immaturity but a celebration of the spirit that makes you uniquely you. Embrace your inner child, let it guide your passions, and never shy away from the playful shades that make your canvas – and your life – infinitely more vibrant.


Wendy Buiter