Today was one of those magical days that remind me why I love what I do. Nicole, a talented goldsmith with a passion for creating meaningful jewelry, joined me for a private art class. Together, we embarked on a creative journey to paint a portrait that would blend her vision with my artistic style—resulting in a masterpiece that was truly one-of-a-kind.

We started the day the best way possible—with coffee, of course! As we sipped our warm cups, we dove into a discussion about what Nicole wanted to capture in her painting. We talked about her favorite colors, the perfect pose, and most importantly, where this piece of art would live. It was destined to hang in her goldsmith atelier, so we made sure the painting would harmonize beautifully with her studio’s interior.

With our ideas bubbling, we moved on to sketching. I demonstrated the initial steps, guiding Nicole as she recreated the lines on her own canvas. It was so rewarding to see her confidence grow with every stroke. I stepped in to refine a few lines here and there, ensuring everything was just right before we moved on to the next stage.

We then had a lovely, healthy lunch and chatted about everything in life, business, friends, family, and our similar interests in life. After lunch, we proceeded with the painting.

As we began to paint, the colors we’d chosen came to life on the canvas. Nicole was incredibly hands-on, constantly sharing her thoughts and preferences, which made the process feel like a true collaboration. We carefully selected each shade, balancing them until we achieved the perfect palette.

One of the highlights of the session was when we worked on the earrings for the portrait. Nicole, being a goldsmith, had a unique icon designed for her brand—something that represents the heartfelt memories she crafts into jewelry. This icon became the inspiration for the earrings in the painting. As we sketched and painted them, Nicole had a brilliant idea: she decided to turn this very design into real earrings! How amazing is that? A spark of creativity on canvas transformed into a new piece of jewelry for her collection.

By the end of the day, we had created something truly special. Nicole was overjoyed with the painting, not only because it was beautiful, but because it was a perfect blend of our talents—a little bit of her, and a little bit of me. She signed the painting with pride, and we added a certificate on the back with her name, making it official. We even framed it on the spot, so it was ready to hang the moment she got back to her atelier.

Nicole left with a huge smile, a gorgeous piece of art, and a wonderful memory of the day we spent creating together. She now has a limited edition of my work, plus her very own painting that she can treasure forever.

If this sounds like something you’d love to experience, don’t wait—book a private art class on my website! This is a limited-time offer, and I don’t normally do this, but I’ve got some extra time right now, so why not? Let’s create something beautiful together!



P.S. Want to learn more about Nicole’s incredible work as a goldsmith? She runs a truly innovative and beautiful business called Mimmie Sieraden. You can check it out at Nicole Iseger specializes in crafting unique jewelry pieces that incorporate breast milk, ashes, or even umbilical cords into gold and diamond designs. She pours her heart, creativity, and passion for the craft into every piece she creates. I’m thrilled to promote her work here because what she does is not only special but also deeply meaningful. Take a look—you might find something that speaks to you!