Many business owners will recognize how lonely it can be, and how success often goes uncelebrated. This year marks a significant milestone for me: ten years of being an artist, selling hundreds of artworks, and achieving nearly one million in revenue. As a single mom of two, this journey has been one of immense pride and perseverance.

However, it has been far from easy. My son suffers from a rare genetic disease called GNAO1, leading to several life-threatening hospitalizations. Balancing my art business while being by his side in the hospital has been incredibly challenging. There was a particularly difficult time when he was hospitalized during one of my open ateliers, with guests from all over the country. Yet, the business had to keep running – without income, I couldn’t pay the bills or take care of my children.

Despite these hardships, I kept creating, driven by the need to support my family and my passion for art. It often felt like an impossible balancing act, but every painting sold and every milestone reached has been a hard-won victory.

As a one-woman business, these achievements are the result of my hard work and dedication. Today, I want to acknowledge and celebrate this journey. Here’s to ten years of artistry, nearly one million in revenue, and countless hours of creating something beautiful despite the challenges. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way.

Cheers, here’s to many more years of art and success!

