Why Certain Faces Are More Beautiful and How You Can Achieve Beauty

Hello to all of you beautiful faces! Welcome back to another blog post where I share insights about my life as a full-time artist and single mom, as well as intriguing facts about fashion and beauty.

There are countless videos on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram teaching you how to look more beautiful. However, most don’t delve into where beauty comes from or why enhancing certain facial features makes someone look more beautiful. This gap in understanding is what I want to address today.

The Science of Beautiful Faces

When I learned about the science behind a beautiful face, it transformed my approach as both a makeup artist and a painter. This “secret” explains why I paint my muses the way I do, a question I frequently receive from my followers.

Let’s explore the science of beautiful faces and the role of makeup in enhancing our appearance.

Beauty in Baby Facial Features

A BBC documentary called “The Human Face” explains that beautiful faces share common traits like big eyes, full lips, smooth skin, a large forehead, and a small nose. These features remind us of babies. As humans, we are naturally drawn to baby features on adult faces because they activate our protective instincts.

As we age, our faces change—eyes become smaller in proportion, noses get bigger, and lips thin out. Some people retain these baby features into adulthood, making them attractive for mate selection because these features signal youth and good health.

This concept is known as “baby face bias,” where adults with baby-like features are perceived as more approachable and trustworthy, while those with more mature features appear serious and intimidating. High-fashion models often blend both mature and baby features, creating a balance that is universally appealing.

Phi: The Golden Ratio

Babies can recognize beautiful faces from photos due to the Golden Ratio, a mathematical phenomenon expressed as 1:1.618. This ratio appears in nature and is a standard of beauty in art and architecture.

In the human face, beautiful features often adhere to the Golden Ratio. For example, the width of the mouth is 1.618 times the width of the nose. This ratio is even present in our teeth, where the upper front tooth is 1.618 times as wide as the next tooth.

Surgeons use the Golden Ratio to reconstruct facial deformities and perform cosmetic enhancements, aiming to create proportions that are naturally pleasing to the human eye.

While not everyone is born with perfect proportions, makeup allows us to accentuate our features to approximate the Golden Ratio and enhance our youthful appearance. Eyeliner makes eyes look bigger, lip liner gives the illusion of fuller lips, and foundation smooths the skin for a baby-like texture.

Baby Facial Features in My Muses

People often ask why my muses have such unique facial features—small noses, full lips, large foreheads, and wide-set eyes. The secret lies in the Golden Ratio, which makes facial features look youthful and baby-like.

When I paint my muses, I strive to make their features as close to the Golden Ratio as possible. These aren’t children’s faces but caricatures of adult female faces with baby features, adorned with makeup, jewelry, and high-fashion clothing. It’s my way of blending scientific principles with artistic creativity.

Achieving Beauty with Makeup

Understanding the science behind beauty can help you use makeup more effectively. Here are some tips:

  • Eyes: Use eyeliner and eyeshadow to make your eyes appear larger.
  • Lips: Apply lip liner and lipstick to create fuller lips.
  • Skin: Use foundation and concealer to achieve smooth, even-toned skin.
  • Blush: Choose rosy hues to add a youthful glow.

These techniques help you enhance your natural features in line with the Golden Ratio, achieving a look that is scientifically beautiful.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you found this exploration of facial features and beauty as fascinating as I did. Remember, true beauty comes from within, and as we age, our experiences, laughter, and wisdom shine through more than our physical appearance.

Whether you agree or disagree, leave a comment below and share your thoughts. Don’t forget to share this with your friends and also follow me on Instagram @WendyBuiter. Check out my courses on WendyBuiter.Academy for tips on painting, marketing, and running your own business.

Until next time, cheers!