Need to Heal Your Inner Child? Try Painting

Hello everyone, and welcome (back) to my blog!

On this blog page, I share content focused on art, beauty, and my experiences as a full-time artist and single mom. Life can be overwhelming, and I’ve had my fair share of dark days. However, I’ve found solace and healing through painting, and I’m here to share how it can help you, too.

The Human Experience

We all experience a wide range of emotions, especially negative ones. Our brains are hard-wired to survive, which often means we hold onto negative experiences to avoid future dangers. This survival mechanism can make us more reactive to fear, anger, disappointment, and unresolved grief. Living with such grief can feel like constant mourning, impacting our day-to-day lives and emotional well-being.

This grief can stem from trauma, PTSD, childhood issues, chronic illness, or the loss of a loved one. It can also come from feeling stuck in life, mourning the person you could have been. But remember, it’s never too late to change your life and become who you were meant to be.

The Healing Power of Painting

Painting has been a powerful tool for me to navigate through difficult times. It’s akin to meditation, allowing me to immerse myself in the present moment and find a state of flow. Painting offers a mental break from life’s stresses, serving as a means of emotional expression and regulation. Instead of bottling up emotions, you can use colors on a canvas to express and heal your inner child.

Whether your inner child is dealing with past traumas or anxiety about the future, painting can help create beauty from pain. It doesn’t necessarily solve problems but provides a therapeutic outlet, offering clarity and better solutions for the challenges you face.

If painting isn’t your thing, that’s okay. Everyone copes with their struggles differently. Some find solace in exercise, journaling, or other activities. The key is to find what works for you.

Enhancing the Painting Experience

To enhance my painting sessions, I often play soothing music. It helps me focus and relax, blocking out distractions like construction noises or loud neighbors. Music can also transport you mentally, boosting creativity and artistic inspiration.

Here are some of my favorite artists and genres to listen to while painting:

  • Piano medleys by Yann Tiersen, Maxence Cyrin, and Dirk Maassen
  • Vocals by Agnes Obel
  • Meditative music by Riopy

Sometimes, I need a motivational boost and watch videos by Brian Scott or Joseph Rodrigues, who focus on personal development. If you’re curious about my playlist or want to watch these videos, check out the links in the description.

Recommended Reading

Many of you have asked about my favorite books and how they’ve influenced me. I love books on esoteric, spiritual, or metaphysical topics as they offer valuable lessons and motivation. Reading is like having a mentor for free, providing knowledge to grow as an artist and individual.

Here are some of my top recommendations:

  • Acres of Diamonds
  • Atomic Habits
  • Feeling Is The Secret
  • The Kim Kardashian Principle
  • The Game of Life and How to Play It
  • The Little Red Book

These books have shaped my outlook on life, making me more hopeful about the future. I’ll leave a complete list in the description, so make a goal to read at least one!

Stay Tuned for More Content

Thank you for joining me in this journey of healing and self-expression through painting. I hope this inspires you to explore art therapy and find your own path to inner peace and happiness.

If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and follow me on Instagram @WendyBuiter. Also, check out my courses on WendyBuiter.Academy to learn how to become a confident, full-time artist.

Until next time, cheers!