Choosing a piece of art is an intimate experience, a complex interplay of aesthetic, emotion, and intellect. We’ve all been there—walking through a gallery or an artist’s studio, captivated by an array of stunning pieces, each one seeming to speak to us in a unique language. In the world of art, making a choice can be overwhelming, but it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences one can have. Today, we take a deep dive into this journey, guided by the experience of one of my cherished clients, Michelle.

A Sacred Space

Stepping into an artist’s studio is like entering a sanctum of creativity. It’s a sacred space where raw materials like paints and brushes meet passion and imagination, resulting in works of art that touch souls. When Michelle walked into our studio, the atmosphere was electric with potential, and she knew this was a special day. Here, the walls adorned with various artworks set the stage for her decision-making process, a beautiful dilemma that many art lovers relish.

A Universe of Choices

The sheer number of options can make the selection process a monumental task. My collection is immense. For Michelle, it was a walk through a universe of choices. Each piece seemed to call out to her, and each represented a different emotion, a different story. The array of possibilities was both exhilarating and intimidating, encapsulating the essence of the art selection journey.

An Intimate Dance

Choosing art isn’t just about visual appeal; it’s an intricate dance between the heart and the mind. It involves taking a close-up look to appreciate the nuances and stepping back to see the bigger picture. Michelle took her time, allowing herself to connect deeply with each work, weighing its aesthetic allure against its emotional resonance and the space it would occupy in her life.

The One

After much deliberation, it happened—the ‘aha’ moment when you find ‘the one.’ The piece that touches your soul, that fits just right with your life’s mosaic. For Michelle, that moment was nothing short of magical. It was as if the canvas spoke to her, confirming that her search had culminated in a perfect match. With a sense of achievement and joy, she made her choice, marking an end and a beginning in her art journey.

Pride and Joy

There’s a unique type of satisfaction in making a choice where so many factors are at play. Michelle felt not just pleased but also proud of herself. She navigated the complexities of choice and emerged victorious with an artwork that not only pleased her aesthetically but also resonated with her on a deep emotional level. Her new acquisition was not just a decoration; it was a piece of her, a snippet of her journey encapsulated in brushstrokes and colors.

 Art Is More Than Paint On A Canvas

When Michelle left my place, she acquired more than just a piece of art; she took a piece of us, a piece of herself, and a tangible memory of the emotional odyssey that is choosing art. A piece of art has the power to change a life, to capture a mood, to transform a space, and to be a lifelong companion. So the next time you find yourself in an artist’s studio, overwhelmed by choices, remember that this is a journey to be savored. It’s not just about acquiring art; it’s about letting the art acquire you.

Thank you, Michelle, for allowing me to be a part of your journey and for reminding everyone that art is so much more than paint on a canvas—it’s a piece of all of us.


Wendy Buiter