Hello, dear readers,

I hope this post finds you in good spirits and high creativity. Today, I want to share a significant chapter of my life’s story—one filled with ups, downs, challenges, and an unwavering determination to keep pushing forward. My name is Wendy Buiter, and I’m an artist, a mom, an entrepreneur, and now, a blogger.

My journey as an artist began over a decade ago, fueled by a burning passion for creativity and a deep desire to share my art with the world. Over the years, I’ve poured my heart and soul into honing my craft, building a vibrant community, and connecting with fellow art enthusiasts. As an artist and entrepreneur, I’ve cherished the opportunities that social media, especially Instagram, has provided. It’s allowed me to showcase my work, share my artistic process, and connect with people who resonate with my creations.

However, life’s journey is never a straight line, and recently, I faced a setback that had me questioning the very foundation of my online presence. My Instagram account, which I had nurtured and grown over the years, was suddenly suspended due to a misunderstanding involving my artwork. The feeling of losing everything I had built in an instant was devastating. My reputation, credibility, and connection with my audience—all vanished in the blink of an eye.

I reached out to the appropriate channels at META, the parent company of Instagram, hoping to regain access to my account. Filling out forms and waiting for a response felt like a never-ending loop. But as fate would have it, a contact within my personal network had a connection at Instagram. A few messages later and my account was miraculously restored. The relief and gratitude I felt were overwhelming.

Yet, this experience left me pondering the incredible power that platforms like Instagram have over creators and entrepreneurs like myself. One moment, your carefully curated online world thrives, and the next, it’s on the brink of extinction. The thought that my hard work, creativity, and connections could be wiped away due to a simple misunderstanding was a wake-up call.

With this realization, I’ve decided to embark on a new chapter of my online journey. I’m launching a blog on my personal website, wendybuiter.com/blog, where I’ll be sharing my thoughts, experiences, and insights into my art, life as a mom, and the challenges of being an entrepreneur. This blog will become my primary platform for connecting with all of you, my incredible audience.

My blog will be a space of authenticity, inspiration, and connection. I want to use this platform to share my journey—both the triumphs and the trials. From the joy of seeing my art come to life to the struggles of balancing motherhood with my creative pursuits and entrepreneurial ambitions, I’ll be sharing it all.

But beyond my personal experiences, I hope my blog becomes a source of motivation for fellow artists, moms, and entrepreneurs. Life is a canvas, and every stroke—no matter how bold or subtle—adds depth to our stories. I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery, growth, and creative expression.

Thank you for being a part of my world, for your unyielding support, and for inspiring me to embrace change and carve a path that’s uniquely my own.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Wendy Buiter 🎨